Elevating Your Fitness for Leadership

Elevating Your Fitness for Leadership

Does Fitness Help You Lead?

Reflect for a moment on the following questions related to your leadership energy.  

  1. When you go to work ON your business and IN your business, would it be helpful to naturally exude more energy and enthusiasm ?  
  2. Would you like your physical presence to be a reflection of your vision and aspirations for your company that moves people? 
  3. Do you sometimes experience distracting fatigue or brain fog during the day? 
  4. Have you ever come close to nodding off on a call or in a meeting?
  5. Do you find yourself craving snacks or caffeine throughout the day?

What impact does your physical fitness have on your leadership? If you answered YES to any of the questions above, you probably have some opportunities to improve your health and fitness. 

This is not an easy topic to unpack and give advice about in a single blog post.  Volumes have been written about these topics.  So Instead of formulaic protocols to get your fitness and energy up, I will share a few things that have worked for me. 

The truth is, with a little bit of attention, you can turn around cravings, fatigue, brain fog and a lack of energy. 

Turn Around Cravings 

Eat smart. I have found when I prioritize protein and fat at breakfast, it sets the tone for my eating patterns the rest of the day.  I strive for 40 to 50 grams of protein and an equal amount of fat for my first meal (your requirements may differ).  This frequently looks like a five-egg cheese omelet with several slices of bacon or some leftover brisket or steak.  This kind of breakfast helps me feel full and satiated.  I don’t feel hungry again until it’s time for my next meal.  I have observed by my own use of a continuous glucose monitor (CGM) that this type of breakfast keeps my blood sugar very stable.

Too many carbs at breakfast (things like fruit smoothies, toast, juice, cereal, bagels, donuts) take blood sugar and insulin on a roller-coaster ride. Insulin does its best to respond to all the sugar in your bloodstream, but in many cases, over-compensates and leaves you feeling a blood-sugar deficit.  This is when the cravings set in.  But grabbing the wrong kind of snack will only start the cycle again.

Eat things your body needs to build healthy muscle mass and healthy cell membranes… Protein and fat.  If you must eat carbohydrates make sure you don’t choose refined ones … the fiber in whole fruits and vegetables helps to slow down sugar uptake.

Remember, it’s possible to misinterpret a signal from your body as the desire for a snack, when what you really want is to hydrate.  Find a good electrolyte you enjoy (I use one called LMNT) and stay hydrated.

Turn Around Fatigue 

To make it through the day feeling energized and clear-headed, everything in the previous section helps.  AND I don’t use caffeine.  In a similar fashion to a carbohydrate roller-coaster ride, caffeine sends confusing signals to the body and can wreak havoc on your adrenal glands.  Caffeine consumption after 2 or 3pm will have an impact on how well you sleep that night.  Skip the caffeine and let your body respond the way it was designed to.

Speaking of giving your body signals, I like to take an after-dinner walk.  This does great things for your digestion, blood sugar and metabolism.  Your eyes pick up on the setting sun and this signals your body that it’s time to wind down and get ready for some good sleep.

Amplify Your Energy

If you’re feeling good, and strong, and lively, it will come through in the way you communicate!  Remember, only a small percentage of your communication comes from your words.  The way your body supports the words you’re saying makes all the difference in the way your words and expressions are received.  

The way you eat has a big impact on the energy you can summon to perform the work you want to do.  Then there’s the important aspect of training your physical body to be capable of the intensity you want to deliver.  If you’re not practicing for a good strong performance back-stage, there’s a high likelihood your performance on-stage will suffer. 

The good news, I’ve discovered, is that you don’t have to spend hours in the gym every week.

I saw a great podcast episode recently between a neuro-surgeon and a guy who trains world-class athletes.  The trainer offered the following cycle: 

We all want strong, healthy Muscles. Muscles depend on training Performance. Training Performance depends on Recovery!  

In other words. We want to work out with intensity and then ensure we have complete recovery so we can do our next workout effectively and without injury.  This is not dependent on the number of days in a week.  It’s probably better to not be doing the same workout on the same day each week.  Bottom line.  When you work out, make it intense… Then take all the time you need to completely recover so your next training session can be strong.  Healthy muscle mass and regular training contribute to mitochondria development.  And mitochondria are what help you translate all of your healthy food and rest into the energetic performances you deliver!

What’s Next?

You’ve worked hard to get your Vision / Traction Organizer® (V/TO®) articulated. You have good tools and disciplines from the EOS Model™ and the EOS Process™ to help you operate your business.  

Get Leadership Energy!

But are you doing it with the kind of energy and clarity that will help you to LEAD in extraordinary ways?  Get started with the ideas above.  Make a commitment to optimize the way you can use your body to think, act, communicate and LEAD!  It doesn’t have to be perfect to start.  Take steps and observe the difference it WILL make when you nourish and train your body for great performance.

Implement EOS with your Team

If you need help to get clarity on your V/TO, I’m here for you!  Let’s teach your team the EOS Foundational Tools and build your V/TO.  We’ll get clear on your Core Values, your Core Focus (or mission), your 10-Year Target – your BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal). We’ll get clear on the kinds of clients you’d like to work with (your Marketing Strategy), your 3-Year Picture (a vivid vision of how the business looks just a few short years from now).

Let’s articulate your 1-Year Plan™ and Rocks™ to guide you to the most important things to get done in the next year and the next quarter.  

With clarity, you and your team will get all of your energy moving in the same direction for big impact!