Is Your Company Harmoniously Integrated?

Is Your Company Harmoniously Integrated?

Harmonious Integration Stands Out

When people work in harmony, magic happens. But truly outstanding harmony is not the norm.


A rowing crew that effectively harmonizes their strokes achieves a rare state that those on the boat call “swing”. When this is achieved, everyone is working in such harmony that it feels like the boat is pulling itself. This is the kind of harmony that wins races.


In a choir, the members sing different parts — each part with different musical notes that sound pleasing together. When a choir can sing their parts with clarity and precision, the notes they sing actually create a state of blended sound waves that resonnate for a unique sound. These make for unforgettable and sought after performances.


A business with harmonious integration creates an experience that flows in a pleasing way for the customer. Can you think of a business you work with that creates a harmonious experience for you? Businesses with harmonious integration have raving fans, happy employees and low churn … to name just a few.

Definition of Harmony

One definition of Harmony says it is “a consistent, orderly, or pleasing arrangement of parts; congruity.”

How to Create Business Harmony

To create harmony in a business, you must get everyone in the organization rowing in the same direction! Patrick Lencioni relates in his book, The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, “If you could get all the people in an organization rowing in the same direction, you could dominate in any industry, in any market, against any competition, at any time.”

But how do you do this? It starts with getting the Leadership Team on the same page. Because “as goes the leadership team, so goes the rest of the company!”

Vision and Traction

On the same page about what? Simply put, it’s the Vision for where the organization is going, and the Plan for how the team will get there. Getting the vision “Shared By All” is facilitated with a two-page document called the Vision / Traction Organizer (V/TO). Teams that take the time and put in the work to crystallize their thinking and articulate the answers to the 8 Questions on the V/TO can get the the whole team to “see it”. And when everyone can see it and feel it, they can integrate their energy in a consistent, pleasing, orderly way to go and make it happen!

“Harmoniously Integrated”.

Several other Tools in EOS facilitate this level of integration. A key one is actually a role we suggest in the organization called “The Integrator”, This seat on the leadership team coordinates, facilitates and teaches every function in the business how to become more than the sum of their parts. They ensure a smooth and pleasing journey for the customer as they interact with employees from every function of the business.

The Answer is in The Tools

Harmonious integration happens when a team elevates to a new level of competency and capability. All of the business operating tools an organization learns in EOS are now second nature to them. They’ve moved beyond “doing” good Level 10 Meetings (L10s). Great team meetings are just understood. Everyone expects, and everyone plays a role in having the L10 come off as one of the most productive 90-minute segments of the week.

The Whole Toolbox

I challenge you to think of an EOS Tool that does not contribute to Harmonious Integration of an organization serving its customers. From Right People in Right Seats, to Scorecards, to effectively working issues, to documenting and following processes, to getting focused on the right Rocks. Every one of these and the other tools in the EOS Toolbox equips a team to work together in extraordinary ways and achieve extraordinary performances.

What next?

Get your team on the journey to harmonious integration! Learn the tools and disciplines of EOS so well that they become second nature to the way you Lead and Manage your business. Elevate your game and become a new kind of company. Get your boat in swing. Get your choir making beautiful, unforgettable music. Give me a call... I’m here to help as your guide and coach!

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