Phoenix Business Coach Finds The Answers In The Tools

business coach in Phoenix

Phoenix Business Coach Finds The Answers In The Tools

Do you ever find yourself in search of the answer? Perhaps a team member approaches you with a challenging issue, or you sense that something in your business isn’t quite right, leading to a sense of frustration and stagnation. As a business coach and leadership coach in Phoenix, I want to share a powerful insight with you – “The Answer is in The Tools”. This phrase, shared by a seasoned EOS Implementer at a global EOS Implementers meeting, captures a fundamental truth in just a few short words.

Understanding Tools From A Business Coach Perspective

Firstly, let’s define what a tool is. A tool, as per the dictionary, is “an instrument used to carry out a particular function.” Essentially, tools bridge the gap between our goals (the WHAT) and our methods (the HOW). With the correct tools, we can enhance our capabilities, achieving our objectives more swiftly and efficiently.

The Goal of Leadership

Isn’t this exactly what we, as leaders and business management consultants, strive for? To enhance our capacity to reach goals with greater speed and efficacy?

Selecting the Appropriate Tool

Throughout my tenure as a leader in various organizations, I’ve delved into numerous books and articles by renowned business thinkers. My mind was a treasure trove of theories and inspiring success stories, yet I often found myself uncertain about which tool to use and when. It was like having a toolbox at my disposal but not knowing whether to use a flathead or a Phillips screwdriver.

Discovering The EOS Toolbox

As a business coach, my discovery of The EOS Model™ and The EOS Toolbox™ was a turning point. Suddenly, the myriad of ideas and success narratives began to interconnect. EOS© provided clarity on the appropriate times and methods for utilizing specific tools.

Example Of Selecting the Right Tool

Recently, a business leader I work with expressed concerns over the diminishing energy in their meetings, bogged down by announcements and housekeeping items. 

“Hmmm”, I thought to myself “the answer is in the tools.” What tools are there to make meetings great? We have the Level 10 Meeting™ Agenda and The Issues Solving Track™. So I thought, “where in the agenda should announcements and housekeeping items go?”

I replied and said the following:

“I think some Admin / Announcement / housekeeping items could land in the “Headlines” section of the agenda. But the Issues Solving Track (IDS) section is the right place to cover these things.

“In IDS, we cover –

  • issues / challenges / problems
  • opportunities
  • things we need to know
  • things we need to share

“So, don’t have a separate list of housekeeping items. That’s an invitation for everyone to ‘check out’ because they all know the meeting is going off script. Stick to the Level 10 Meeting agenda and let Admin / Announcement / Housekeeping items win their way to the top 3 of the Issues List during the Issues Solving Track – just like anything else on the list – to get airtime.”

Applying The Tools

This example illustrates how using the Level 10 Meeting™ Agenda and the The Issues Solving Track™ as intended can transform a challenge, such as low-energy meetings, into an opportunity for improvement.

Ready To Work With An Experienced Business Coach?

As a business coach and leadership coach, I am ready to guide you through mastering the tools in The EOS Toolbox™. Let me assist you in achieving proficiency with these tools, ensuring you always have solid answers at your fingertips. Empower yourself as a leader in your business with the skills to tackle any problem confidently.

I’m here to support your journey in building a better business and leading a more fulfilling life.

Reach out to schedule a session!

Best regards,


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